Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Now a Mac lover...

Why didn't I do this sooner? Who knows? Well actually I do know....inertia. Inertia that keeps us places or keeps us going in familiar directions. As Newton states...a body in motion bla bla bla until acted upon by an outside force. Yes, even sitting on a couch has inertia. The outside force that moved me away from that clunky system we call Windows was one too many slow downs that spelled potential disaster when I could least afford it. So, now with 17" MacBook Pro......love it.....can't even look at my office PC or Lenovo laptop. One of the fun things about this is refiling all my photo folders by client, topic etc. Came across one of this years favorites, a shot of a Conair DC6 doing its first start up of the year in March. A unique look that I think captures the noise and fury of 2100 horsepower...of which there are three more. JB

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